NZDSA Exec 2022



 My name is Sadaf and I am your President for 2023. I grew up in Auckland and moved to the wonderful Dunedin for university where I have spent the last seven years. I look forward to working alongside our awesome executive team. We have a fantastic year already lined up for you including social, sporting, educational and welfare events. There will be something for everybody so be sure to get amongst the hype. Look forward to meeting you all.


Vice President

Kia ora! I’m Chinese and NZ-born from Hamilton and in my 7th and final year in BDS down here having come through Post-Grad. I play hockey, go for scenic walks and drives, and enjoy travelling, skateboarding, cooking soul food and photography. Main role as VP is finances, local sponsors and membership packs. Say hi and give me a wave if you see me around! Always want to meet new people. Friendly, and always down for a chat about anything from dentistry to everything about life. Excited for the year ahead!



Hey team, I’m Eric and I’m your education representative for 2023! I’m originally from Manila but moved to Wellington when I was 8 years old, and have been studying in Dunedin for Uni since 2017. I’ve done a wee BBiomedSc degree before BDS so I reckon I know a little thing or two about studying – a core skill for an education rep (surely?). My main role is to organize the Teddy Bear Hospital for dental students, act as the student rep in the undergraduate committee and Board of Studies, and organise resources and tutorials to set you up for tests and exams. When I’m not doing those things, I usually cook, go to the gym, read, and hang out with my mates (studying to be added when I actually start). I’m always free for a chat if you have any questions so just ask around if you see me out and about!


Auckland Rep

Kia ora, te whānau!   My name is Jack and this year I’m the Auckland rep! Up in Auckland we’ve got around forty of us running around getting (in)competencies and undertaking some thorough shenanigans, and it’s my role to be the go-to for all our students. I’m the liaison point between the students, the staff, Dunedin, our sponsors, and the BDS4’s. In this role I’ve helped organise social events, created an Auckland committee for better representation, been the Class Rep, organised sponsor events and talks, helped organise our tutorials, had some shocking chat with David R, and generally helped try making the Auckland experience as solid as possible. It’s a big ol’ job but it’s been immensely rewarding so far. If you’ve got any questions about the Auckland Faculty don’t hesitate to contact me via email on! Good luck down in dirty dunners, you’ll miss it more than you know once you leave!

Bi Ling


Hi everyone, I’m Bi Ling and I am the BOH Rep for 2023!

My role this year is to represent the BOH cohort and organise social events (such as BOH pizza nights and our grad dinner) while working alongside the other exec members. In my spare time, you can hear me talking about how much I miss home cooking and the fireplace in my house back in Christchurch. I recently started dancing (hip hop, contemp, honestly you name it) and I really enjoy it as it makes up for my unfulfilled childhood dream of being a ballerina. I’m really into the arts and crafts – making jewelry and crocheting keeps my hands busy when I’m not in the clinic. Always free to chat and answer questions about anything, so come say hi!


DTech Rep

Hi my name is Bob, and I’m your DTEC rep for 2023. My job as DTEC rep is to ensure that all DTEC students are well taken care of, provide them welfare support, assisting other dental students with regards to dental technology, and also being the bridge between DTEC course coordinators and NZDSA. This year, I wish to close and ties the bond between DTEC, BDS and BOH students, so please do not hesitate to approach us at the lab or common room when you need help.


Ball Rep

Heya!  I’m Lauren and i’m the NZDSA ball rep for 2023. This means that I have the task of making sure you guys all have a bit of fun amidst the stress of dental school! This year the ball will be held at the Otago Museum! I am one of the more geriatric members of BDS5 and have worked as a Registered Nurse for the past 7 years so I am full of weird and wonderful work stories. I was drawn to dentistry as I was sick of cleaning up poop and so opted to work in the opposite end of the GI tract! In my spare time I am an aerialist, crocheter of mini things and baker.


Sports Rep

Kia ora everyone, I’m lucky enough to be your NZDSA sports Representative for 2023. My role is to keep you out of the library and provide you with opportunities to play sports with your Faculty friends. Throughout the year we will have events including the Annual Dent Hike, Dent Ski trip, Interfaculty sports and our “Run with Heart” fundraiser for the Dunedin Marathon. There are also many social sports on offer that play in a weekly competition. I strongly encourage you to get involved in.

In my free time I enjoy a lot of sports (shock), with running and rugby being my main two at uni. The goal is to enable as many students as possible to get active and involved, so if you have any ideas or questions throughout the year don’t hesitate to contact me. Looking forward to seeing y’all out there.


Welfare Rep

Hiya! My name is Liri and I have the pleasure of being your Welfare Rep this year. In my spare time you’ll find me on a drive or a walk, or trying out new recipes. My role is simple- making sure dental school doesn’t drain us all out completely and that everyone’s concerns are heard, as well as supporting my fellow team members in their roles. Always down for a good chat so do say hi if you see me around!


Social Rep

Kia Ora, my name is Sara and I am your social rep for this year. Originally I am from Auckland (JAFA ALERT). In my spare time I like to play netball, hang out with friends and eat yummy food. My role as social rep this year is to organising popping social events like wine and cheese for you guys. Please feel free to say hi when ever you see me around the dental school. But make sure I’ve had a coffee first 🙂


Publications Rep

Hi everyone, my name’s Georgina and I’m the publications representative for 2023. I’m currently in my 4th of dentistry after doing health sciences in first year. I’m originally from Christchurch but I’m now thoroughly in love with Dunedin. In my free time I’m found at Resistance, Dunedin’s bouldering gym, or sewing/crocheting/knitting at home. My role for the year is to bring you the student magazine, the Flossette, and to produce the yearbook.


Cultural Rep

Kia Ora!  For those of you who haven’t had the pleasure of meeting me, my name is Annie! A little bit about me – I’m from Greymouth (a must have fun fact about me which I tell everyone within twenty minutes of meeting them). Most days you’ll find me dancing around clinic and being an absolute nuisance to anyone in my general vicinity. This year I’ve taken on the role as Cultural Rep following my stellar performance in last years Dent Revue. My main job is running this years show (and reprising my starring role…of course) which I would love to see as many of you in or watching as possible this year! I cannot wait to see you all at the show later in the year and if you ever need a chat, I’m your girl!